BusPlanner Delays App available!
The BusPlanner Delays app is available on IOS and Android phones
Once downloaded and installed use the following Quick code : WDSTS
Your Community Needs School Bus Drivers!
School bus companies in the STWDSTS (Wellington, Dufferin, Guelph) service area are now looking for permanent and spare drivers for routes for the 2024-2025 school year.
All School taxis and buses are cancelled in Zone 3 (North Wellington), and Zone 4 (Dufferin - Including RF Hall) today.
Zone 1 (Guelph) and Zone 2 (Centre Wellington) will be operating today.
For more info, please go to https://stwdsts.ca/inclement-weather/
Update 2: All School taxis and buses are CANCELLED in Zones 2,3 and 4.
Schools are closed to students:
DPCDSB schools in zone 4
UGDSB schools in zones 2, 3 and 4
Viamonde school in Zone 4
WCDSB schools in zones 2 and 3
For more info, https://stwdsts.ca/inclement-weather/
Update: All School taxis and buses are CANCELLED in Zones 2,3 and 4.
The following Schools are closed to students:
UGDSB schools in zones 2, 3 and 4
WCDSB schools in zones 2 and 3
For more info, https://stwdsts.ca/inclement-weather/
All School taxis and buses are cancelled in Zone 2 (Centre Wellington), Zone 3 (North Wellington), and Zone 4 (Dufferin - Including RF Hall) today.
Zone 1 (Guelph) will be operating today.
For more info, please go to https://stwdsts.ca/inclement-weather/