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School bus companies in the STWDSTS (Wellington, Dufferin, Guelph) service area are now looking for permanent and spare drivers for routes for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Free Training to upgrade your G licence to a B class licence
  • Evenings and weekends off
  • School holidays off (Winter break, Spring break, Summer)
  • Make a real difference in the lives of the families and children in your area


Are you a parent who wants to wants to ensure that your child gets to school safely and on time each day?

  • You may be able to drive your children and your neighbourhood children to school.

Are you a parent who wants work but who wants to spend time with your child?

  • You can do both.  Bring your child with you while you work and be with them between morning and afternoon school routes.

Are you a parent who wants to get back to work, but finds day care rates too high?

  • Drive a school bus, bring your children with you while you work and save on day care fees.

Variable Working Schedule

Are you currently working and have some days off during the week (Monday-Friday) that you could use to supplement your income?

  • Work as a spare school bus driver.  Spare school bus drivers fill in for regular drivers when they are not available to work.

Does working in different areas of the region interest you?

  • Spare school bus drivers fill in for regular local drivers when they are not available for work.


Do you have some free time now and want to participate in something meaningful in your community?

  • Permanent school bus drivers help to provide safe, on-time transportation for students to school so that they are ready to learn.

Do you need a regular routine to achieve a good work/life balance now that you have retired from your full-time career?

  • School bus driving adds routine back to your life.   As a permanent school bus driver, your route is the same time each morning and afternoon.
  • School bus drivers routes are approximately 1.5 to 2.5 hours each morning and afternoon and that leaves time during the day, in the evening, on weekends, and on school holidays for other activities.

Do you like to drive and like to see people each day?

  • School bus drivers build connections with parents and students that they see each day.

Business Owners

Are you a business owner with a flexible schedule?

  • Drive a school bus in the morning and in the afternoon around your normal schedule.

Do you work at a seasonal business that you would like to supplement during the down time?

  • Drive a school bus as a permanent driver or a spare driver.

Contact your local bus company now!

If driving a school bus sounds like something that you would like to try either permanent or part-time, contact one of the local school bus companies from the list below. They will provide the answers to your questions and help you to get on the road as a School Bus Driver.

CompanyCity / MunicipalityPhone NumberTwitterWebsiteNow Hiring
CompanyAttridge Transportation Inc.City / MunicipalityDufferinPhone Number519-928-9788Twitter@_AttridgeWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow HiringVisit Website
CompanyCook Bus LinesCity / MunicipalityNorth WellingtonPhone Number519-323-9181Twitter@cook_busWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow HiringVisit Website
CompanyDenny's Bus LinesCity / MunicipalityCentre WellingtonPhone Number519-833-9117Twitter@DennysBusLinesWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow Hiring519-833-9117
CompanyFirst Student Inc.City / MunicipalityCentre WellingtonPhone Number519-941-2582Twitter@FirststudentIncWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow HiringVisit Website
CompanySwitzer-Carty TransportationCity / MunicipalityGuelph & PuslinchPhone Number519-829-4299TwitterWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow HiringVisit Website
CompanyCanadian CabCity/MunicipalityGuelph & PuslinchPhone Number519-824-3110TwitterWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow Hiring
CompanyRed Top TaxiCity/MunicipalityGuelph & PuslinchPhone Number519-821-1700TwitterWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow Hiring
CompanyFergus-Elora TaxiCity/MunicipalityFergus & EloraPhone Number519-787-7433TwitterWebsiteVisit WebsiteNow Hiring