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Welcome To STWDSTS Student Transportation Services

Service de transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS) is a consortium of five school boards providing transportation for eligible students living in Wellington and Dufferin Counties.

Member Boards:

A Transportation Management Committee (TMC) acts as our Board of Directors. There are Five members, one appointed by each of the member school boards and the Chief Administrative Officer of Transportation. The TMC meets monthly, and operates at arms length from the member boards to oversee policies and procedures, and develop long and short term goals.


School boards receive grants for transportation from the Province based on the number of students who are provided with service. Each member board must pay STWDSTS the full amount of the cost of transporting their students, even if the grants do not cover the total amount. Three percent of each board’s transportation expenditure is allocated to the administrative cost of operating the consortium.

Our Mission

It is our mission to provide safe and efficient student transportation through planning, cooperation, and dedication. More than 20,000 students in total ride a big – or little – yellow school bus or taxi to and from school daily. The fleet of buses cover more than 5 million kilometers every year.
